Optimized correlation caching
before cache miss 0.04% -> now 0.02%
Nonetheless it takes 80% of total time
TODO: This is the place for optimization
After the optimizations constructing user neighborhood now only takes 10% comparing to 80% before.
80% of time is now taken by calculating user correlation

After correlation optimizations

Investigating why some parts take too long
system running...
Apr 9, 2008 1:12:17 AM <init>
INFO: log running..
Apr 9, 2008 1:12:17 AM <init>
INFO: {db_file=/home/neil/tmp/ml1m.csv, AL_Method=random, userNum=1, usrNeighborhoodSize=100, itemNum=100, alItemNum=3}
Apr 9, 2008 1:12:17 AM <init>
INFO: Creating db indexes ...
Apr 9, 2008 1:12:17 AM <init>
INFO: loading data ...
Apr 9, 2008 1:12:58 AM <init>
INFO: loaded data
Apr 9, 2008 1:12:59 AM evaluate
INFO: performing evaluation
Apr 9, 2008 1:12:59 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.neighborhood.CachingALUserNeighborhood init
INFO: Cache cleared.
Apr 9, 2008 1:14:06 AM getTestUsers
INFO: Selected userID: 4257
Apr 9, 2008 1:14:06 AM evaluate
INFO: TestUsers: [User[id:4257]]
Apr 9, 2008 1:14:06 AM evaluate
INFO: AL Type: random
Apr 9, 2008 1:14:06 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.neighborhood.CachingALUserNeighborhood init
INFO: Cache cleared.
Apr 9, 2008 1:14:06 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.recommender.VOIUserBasedRecommender refresh
INFO: Refreshing neighborhood, correlation, ...
Apr 9, 2008 1:14:06 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.neighborhood.CachingALUserNeighborhood init
INFO: Cache cleared.
Apr 9, 2008 1:14:06 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.neighborhood.CachingALUserNeighborhood getUserNeighborhood
INFO: cache is not being used
Apr 9, 2008 1:14:06 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.H2JDBCDataModel getRelatedUsers
INFO: Starting to retrieve user neighborhood ...
Apr 9, 2008 1:14:06 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.H2JDBCDataModel getRelatedUsers
FINE: SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM taste_preferences WHERE (item_id=1059 OR item_id=1088 OR item_id=1094 OR item_id=11 OR item_id=1100 OR item_id=1101 OR item_id=1197 OR item_id=1247 OR item_id=1265 OR item_id=1290 OR item_id=1307 OR item_id=1339 OR item_id=1393 OR item_id=140 OR item_id=1409 OR item_id=1441 OR item_id=151 OR item_id=1513 OR item_id=1541 OR item_id=1556 OR item_id=1629 OR item_id=1658 OR item_id=1674 OR item_id=168 OR item_id=1680 OR item_id=1721 OR item_id=1735 OR item_id=1777 OR item_id=1801 OR item_id=1834 OR item_id=1888 OR item_id=1894 OR item_id=1923 OR item_id=1931 OR item_id=1947 OR item_id=195 OR item_id=1968 OR item_id=207 OR item_id=2100 OR item_id=2145 OR item_id=2146 OR item_id=2166 OR item_id=222 OR item_id=224 OR item_id=2268 OR item_id=2297 OR item_id=2355 OR item_id=236 OR item_id=237 OR item_id=2396 OR item_id=24 OR item_id=2406 OR item_id=2424 OR item_id=2485 OR item_id=249 OR item_id=2490 OR item_id=2491 OR item_id=2496 OR item_id=2497 OR item_id=25 OR item_id=2550 OR item_id=2558 OR item_id=2570 OR item_id=2572 OR item_id=2581 OR item_id=2598 OR item_id=2599 OR item_id=2605 OR item_id=2671 OR item_id=2676 OR item_id=2683 OR item_id=2688 OR item_id=2706 OR item_id=2716 OR item_id=2724 OR item_id=2763 OR item_id=2802 OR item_id=2806 OR item_id=2826 OR item_id=2827 OR item_id=2841 OR item_id=2858 OR item_id=2861 OR item_id=2872 OR item_id=2881 OR item_id=289 OR item_id=2906 OR item_id=2908 OR item_id=2919 OR item_id=293 OR item_id=2941 OR item_id=2942 OR item_id=2961 OR item_id=3004 OR item_id=3082 OR item_id=3113 OR item_id=3147 OR item_id=3186 OR item_id=3225 OR item_id=3244 OR item_id=3259 OR item_id=3261 OR item_id=3269 OR item_id=3301 OR item_id=339 OR item_id=3394 OR item_id=3436 OR item_id=351 OR item_id=353 OR item_id=356 OR item_id=357 OR item_id=3584 OR item_id=361 OR item_id=3668 OR item_id=3699 OR item_id=377 OR item_id=378 OR item_id=3791 OR item_id=3809 OR item_id=3835 OR item_id=3844 OR item_id=39 OR item_id=509 OR item_id=539 OR item_id=553 OR item_id=555 OR item_id=587 OR item_id=605 OR item_id=64 OR item_id=708 OR item_id=736 OR item_id=74 OR item_id=804 OR item_id=838 OR item_id=852 OR item_id=898 OR item_id=912 OR item_id=914 OR item_id=969)
Apr 9, 2008 1:14:39 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.H2JDBCDataModel getRelatedUsers
FINE: query was executed
Apr 9, 2008 1:14:44 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.H2JDBCDataModel getRelatedUsers
INFO: number of users retrieved: 5885
Apr 9, 2008 1:14:44 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.neighborhood.CachingALUserNeighborhood getUserNeighborhood
INFO: caching: 4257
Apr 9, 2008 1:14:44 AM evaluate
INFO: Simulating offline AL
Apr 9, 2008 1:14:44 AM evaluate
INFO: Obtained AL Preference: GenericPreference[user: User[id:4257], item:Item[id:224], value:2.0]
Apr 9, 2008 1:14:44 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.H2JDBCDataModel setPreference
FINE: Setting preference for user '4257', item '224', value 2.0
Apr 9, 2008 1:14:44 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.H2JDBCDataModel setPreference
FINE: Executing SQL update: MERGE INTO taste_preferences(user_id,item_id,preference) key(user_id,item_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?)
Apr 9, 2008 1:14:45 AM evaluate
INFO: User's Stats:
Apr 9, 2008 1:14:45 AM evaluate
INFO: It took ms: 1146
Apr 9, 2008 1:14:45 AM evaluate
INFO: Simulating offline AL
Apr 9, 2008 1:14:45 AM evaluate
INFO: Obtained AL Preference: GenericPreference[user: User[id:4257], item:Item[id:555], value:3.0]
Apr 9, 2008 1:14:45 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.H2JDBCDataModel setPreference
FINE: Setting preference for user '4257', item '555', value 3.0
Apr 9, 2008 1:14:45 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.H2JDBCDataModel setPreference
FINE: Executing SQL update: MERGE INTO taste_preferences(user_id,item_id,preference) key(user_id,item_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?)
Apr 9, 2008 1:15:34 AM evaluate
INFO: User's Stats:
[{MAE=4.0}, {MAE=0.8246347}]
Apr 9, 2008 1:15:34 AM evaluate
INFO: It took ms: 48771
Apr 9, 2008 1:15:34 AM evaluate
INFO: Simulating offline AL
Apr 9, 2008 1:15:34 AM evaluate
INFO: Obtained AL Preference: GenericPreference[user: User[id:4257], item:Item[id:2827], value:2.0]
Apr 9, 2008 1:15:34 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.H2JDBCDataModel setPreference
FINE: Setting preference for user '4257', item '2827', value 2.0
Apr 9, 2008 1:15:34 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.H2JDBCDataModel setPreference
FINE: Executing SQL update: MERGE INTO taste_preferences(user_id,item_id,preference) key(user_id,item_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?)
Apr 9, 2008 1:16:53 AM evaluate
INFO: User's Stats:
[{MAE=4.0}, {MAE=0.8246347}, {MAE=0.7886371}]
Apr 9, 2008 1:16:53 AM evaluate
INFO: It took ms: 79100
Apr 9, 2008 1:16:53 AM evaluate
INFO: Users' Stats:
4.0 0.8246347 0.7886371