running experiments r2
Interesting to notice:
Getting user's neighborhood now takes the majority of time (46%)
TODO: This could be a good spot to optimize
Suprisingly: in user correlation getNumItems takes the majority of item
TODO: Not sure why - Investigate
Profiled getUserNeighborhood in more detail. Vast majority of time is spent executing the query.
TODO: Improve this part
Added more properties that will be loaded from the file
New Taste 1.7.2 was released.
Refactoring my source code to make integration with the base code [taste] easier.
e.g. VOIUserBasedRecommender
Average MAE over 25 randomAL runs:
0.84 | 0.83 | 0.83 | 0.83 | 0.83 | 0.83 | 0.82 | 0.83 | 0.83 | 0.83 | 0.83 | 0.83 | 0.83 | 0.83 | 0.83 | 0.83 | 0.83 | 0.83 | 0.82 | 0.82 | 0.82 | 0.82 | 0.82 | 0.82 | 0.82 | 0.82 | 0.82 | 0.82 | 0.82 | 0.82 | 0.82 | 0.82 | 0.82 | 0.82 | 0.82 | 0.82 | 0.82 | 0.82 | 0.82 | 0.82 |
Problem: The numbers are not decreasing much (contradictory to expectations)
ToDo: Need to find the problem - check the code
It is not caused by the old bug in GenericUserBasedRecommender
The problem might lie in the correlation function. When using PearsonCorrelation get very bad results MAE = max; when using UnceteredPearson Correlation get much better results MAE=0.9.
There was a small bug in the code (submitted to the SourceForge).
Deploy my software to the machines in the lab e.g. simu2
Mounted a network folder over samba (ackward, but works)
(did it through Places/Network)
Installed java /home/neil/java/...
Build jar for deployment with NetBeans
-sh-2.05b$ pwd
nohup nice -18 /home/neil/java/jre1.6.0_05/bin/java -Xmx1g -Xms1g -jar /home/neil/proj/CFAL/dist/JavaProject1.jar &
dist in the same directory as experiment
nohup /home/neil/java/jre1.6.0_05/bin/java -Xmx1g -Xms1g -jar ./dist/JavaProject1.jar &
To check which machines are running matlab: /usr/local/matlab2/etc/lmstat -a
also do a top command to see if anything else is running
To see the bottom of the file as it is being written (concurrent) to use: tail -f nohup.out
tail nohup.out -n 1000 > data.tmp.txt
Name | CPU type | Clock | Memory |
simu1 | Pentium 4 | 2.8 GHz | 2 GB |
simu2 | Pentium 4 (dual) | 2.8 GHz | 2 GB |
simu3 | Pentium 4 (dual) | 3.2 GHz | 2 GB |
simu4 | Pentium 4 | 2.2 GHz | 2 GB |
simu5 | Pentium 4 | 2.5 GHz | 2 GB |
simu6 | Pentium 4 (dual) | 3.2 GHz | 2 GB |
simu7 | Pentium 4 (dual) | 3.2 GHz | 2 GB |
simu8 | Pentium 4 | 2.4 GHz | 1 GB |
simu9 | Pentium 4 (dual) | 3.4 GHz | 3 GB |
simu10 | Pentium 4 | 2.0 GHz | 1 GB |
Started writing all of the methods from scratch optimized for active learning tasks for Taste Recommender.
INFO: It took ms: 140,568
Mar 31, 2008 12:06:21 PM evaluate
INFO: It took ms: 27,835
At each iteration calculate MAE for all of the items (pick next item randomly)
May add enhancement that uses only top n neighbors. Might implement by using group by and count (neighbor that has the most items in common should be seleted).
Could select best on two criterions:
1) the users have rated the most items in common
2) the user have rated the most test items (if use this criteria for all of the methods, it is a fair one)
unexpected results for Random (MAE does not decrease)
Double check that correlation is calculated correctly
double check MAE calculation etc.
TODO: make sure the right getRelated function is called (with itemID)
* Bottleneck appears to be at ALUserBasedRecommender.doEstimatePreference
new user has from 1 - 10 items
AL item is selected for evaluation and added to the user's items
Estimate the ratings of witheld items of a user (on avg less than 100)
User Neighborhood construction:
1) select users that have rated the item for which rating needs to be estimated
2) user must have rated at least on of the items that AL_user has rated
Currently it appears that correlation is calculated for all of the users which is unecessary.
From Log 2 we can see that construction of user neighborhood took ~60s, and preference estimation took ~60S
User Neighborhoud
1) pick only users that have correlation != 0 (have some overlapping items with AL_user)
ALUserNeighborhood.Retriever.getValue(final Object userId)
H2JDBCDataModel.getRelatedUsers(User user)
x60 improvement: before it took 60s; now 1s
Preference Estimation still takes long time
Preference estimation
1) Need only users that have rated the item for which want to obtain estimates for a current user; and are related to the current user
Query Optimization
public Collection<User> getRelatedUsers(User theUser, Object itemID) throws TasteException {
* Need only users that have rated the item for which want to obtain
* estimates for a current user; and are related to the current user
* In some of the models it appears that correlation is calculated for all
* of the users which is unnecessary. pick only users that have correlation !=
* 0 (have some overlapping items with AL_user)
* NOTE: This is a hacky implementation and probably needs to be changed in
* the future
* Return users that have correlation != 0 to the current user this means
* that they must have rated at least one of the items in common with the
* user
* e.g. SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM taste_preferences where item_id=376 and
* user_id in ( SELECT user_id FROM taste_preferences where (item_id=242 or
* item_id=393) )
* Query Optimization:
* Restricted by @param itemID
* GOOD: SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM taste_preferences where item_id=376
* and user_id in ( SELECT user_id FROM taste_preferences
* where (item_id=242 or item_id=393) )
* 0.8 sec
* SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM taste_preferences
* where user_id in ( SELECT user_id FROM taste_preferences
* where (item_id=242 or item_id=393) )
* 7 sec
* NOT Restricted by @param itemID
* GOOD: SELECT DISTINCT user_id from taste_preferences
* where (item_id=242 or item_id=393)
* 0.06 sec
* SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM taste_preferences where user_id in (
* SELECT user_id FROM taste_preferences where (item_id=242 or item_id=393) )
* and item_id=376
* 7 sec
* @param theUser
* @param itemID
* @return
* @throws TasteException
Neighborhood construction improved from taking 25% -> 5%
Now need to improve doEstimate
Partial Log 2
system running...
Mar 25, 2008 12:34:15 PM <init>
INFO: log running..
Mar 25, 2008 12:34:16 PM <init>
INFO: Creating db indexes ...
Mar 25, 2008 12:34:16 PM <init>
INFO: loading data ...
Mar 25, 2008 12:34:20 PM <init>
INFO: loaded data
Mar 25, 2008 12:34:22 PM getTestUsers
INFO: Selected userID: 421
Mar 25, 2008 12:34:22 PM evaluate
INFO: AL Type: random
Mar 25, 2008 12:34:24 PM calculateStats
INFO: Size of userNeighborhood: 0
Mar 25, 2008 12:34:24 PM evaluate
INFO: User's Stats:
Mar 25, 2008 12:34:24 PM evaluate
INFO: It took ms: 1936
Mar 25, 2008 12:35:24 PM calculateStats
INFO: Size of userNeighborhood: 100
Mar 25, 2008 12:36:42 PM evaluate
INFO: User's Stats:
[{MAE=4.0}, {MAE=0.94193965}]
Mar 25, 2008 12:36:42 PM evaluate
INFO: It took ms: 137896
Partial Log 1
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:19 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:554] is -1.647345524366436E-13
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:19 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:19 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:19 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:19 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:555] is -0.0015708540709646077
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:19 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:19 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:19 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:19 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:556] is -0.09278632549695448
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:19 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:19 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:19 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:19 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:557] is -0.028415421599269037
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:19 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:19 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:19 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:19 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:558] is 0.0
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:19 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:19 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:19 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:19 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:559] is -0.037317594846707436
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:19 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:19 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:19 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:19 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:56] is 2.5000181608965445E-13
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:19 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:19 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:19 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:19 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:560] is -0.14466282450891324
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:19 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:19 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:19 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:19 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:561] is -6.504526931539657E-13
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:19 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:19 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:19 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:19 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:562] is -0.10384195253503217
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:19 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:19 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:19 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:20 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:563] is -6.74284917965908E-14
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:20 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:20 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:20 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:20 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:564] is -0.13313466712391653
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:20 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:20 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:20 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:20 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:565] is -1.1089483136311463E-13
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:20 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:20 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:20 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:20 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:566] is -0.10225458635982025
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:20 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:20 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:20 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:20 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:567] is -0.07117689753471569
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:20 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:20 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:20 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:20 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:568] is -0.05667651664177332
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:20 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:20 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:20 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:20 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:569] is -3.8994040725480063E-14
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:20 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:20 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:20 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:20 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:57] is -6.352438471529637E-14
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:20 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:20 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:20 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:20 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:570] is -1.2007629161265068E-14
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:20 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:20 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:20 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:20 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:571] is -2.3869987441859594E-14
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:20 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:20 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:20 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:20 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:572] is -1.6855601778861507E-14
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:20 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:20 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:20 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:20 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:573] is -0.04848503268282788
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:20 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:20 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:20 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:20 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:574] is 9.55400201898987E-14
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:20 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:20 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:20 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:20 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:575] is 0.14717601757455093
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:20 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:20 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:20 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:21 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:576] is 0.0
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:21 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:21 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:21 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:21 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:577] is 2.2893965420001035E-13
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:21 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:21 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:21 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:21 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:578] is -1.3375024930545366E-14
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:21 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:21 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:21 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:21 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:579] is 4.1629872955591245E-14
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:21 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:21 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:21 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:21 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:58] is -0.009563879345107839
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:21 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:21 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:21 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:21 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:580] is 3.7417306375964335E-14
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:21 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:21 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:21 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:21 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:581] is -0.17679116392729477
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:21 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:21 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:21 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:21 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:582] is 3.972549488315166E-14
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:21 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:21 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:21 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:21 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:583] is -1.2141875254983835E-13
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:21 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:21 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:21 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:21 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:584] is -3.140756398161233E-14
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:21 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:21 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:21 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:21 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:585] is 3.736917952724993E-14
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:21 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:21 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:21 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:21 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:586] is -0.05553684411684123
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:21 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:21 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:21 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:21 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:587] is 0.0
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:21 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:21 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:21 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:21 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:588] is 3.5842168165654797E-13
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:21 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:21 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:21 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:22 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:589] is 7.885272700154987E-15
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:22 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:22 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:22 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:22 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:59] is -0.02409090847022894
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:22 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:22 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:22 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:22 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:590] is -0.05341757290136214
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:22 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:22 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:22 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:22 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:591] is -0.04309754253416904
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:22 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:22 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:22 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:22 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:592] is -0.022247893788738773
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:22 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:22 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:22 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:22 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:593] is -1.8313396133042284E-13
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:22 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:22 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:22 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:22 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:594] is -0.15335094278330816
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:22 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:22 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:22 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:22 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:595] is -0.18530990082702212
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:22 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:22 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:22 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:22 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:596] is -1.8681251463080768E-14
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:22 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:22 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:22 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:22 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:597] is -0.052608646599914544
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:22 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:22 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:22 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:22 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:598] is -1.710762255125158E-14
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:22 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:22 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:22 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:22 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:599] is 0.0
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:22 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:22 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:22 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:22 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:6] is -0.07561043374139553
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:22 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:22 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:22 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:23 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:60] is 7.420126452450446E-13
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:23 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:23 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:23 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:23 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:600] is -0.13679212691839093
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:23 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:23 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:23 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:23 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:601] is -0.05339986376501476
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:23 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:23 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:23 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:23 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:602] is -0.2578977462621422
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:23 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:23 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:23 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:23 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:603] is 6.064558933298705E-14
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:23 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:23 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:23 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:23 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:604] is -0.09148924117478838
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:23 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:23 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:23 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:23 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:605] is -0.10223047952775904
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:23 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:23 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:23 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:23 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:606] is -0.03669234598898682
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:23 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:23 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:23 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:23 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:607] is 3.538131293151546E-14
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:23 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:23 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:23 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:23 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:608] is -0.07426415466624665
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:23 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:23 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:23 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:23 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:609] is 0.0
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:23 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:23 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:23 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:23 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:61] is 0.0
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:23 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:23 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:23 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:23 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:610] is -0.12450945124605482
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:23 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:23 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:23 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:24 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:611] is -2.261720943333597E-14
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:24 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:24 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:24 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:24 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:612] is 0.2701919394629616
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:24 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:24 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:24 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:24 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:613] is 0.059233826033254146
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:24 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:24 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:24 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:24 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:614] is -2.1948542481459034E-14
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:24 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:24 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:24 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:24 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:615] is -0.10725979309753181
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:24 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:24 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:24 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:24 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:616] is 3.122190729604471E-14
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:24 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:24 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:24 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:24 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:617] is 0.011936280171652542
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:24 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:24 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:24 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:24 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:618] is -0.11429452538500032
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:24 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:24 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:24 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:24 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:619] is -0.0364461039430454
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:24 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:24 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:24 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:24 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:62] is -0.04690813412761841
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:24 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:24 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:24 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:24 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:620] is -0.03970846044301517
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:24 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:24 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:24 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:24 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:621] is -9.675839651249483E-14
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:24 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:24 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:24 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:24 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:622] is -0.12070730232367433
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:24 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:24 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:24 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:25 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:623] is -0.03301230379719197
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:25 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:25 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:25 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:25 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:624] is -0.050086004291433235
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:25 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:25 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:25 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:25 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:625] is -3.5343181818089124E-13
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:25 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:25 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:25 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:25 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:626] is -1.898610909806263E-14
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:25 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:25 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:25 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:25 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:627] is -4.426597299818248E-14
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:25 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:25 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:25 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:25 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:628] is -1.7317081456518812E-13
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:25 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:25 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:25 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:25 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:629] is -0.08166379096213165
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:25 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:25 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:25 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:25 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:63] is -1.2995769698166858E-13
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:25 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:25 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:25 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:25 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:630] is 0.11013432002826058
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:25 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:25 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:25 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:25 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:631] is 0.0
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:25 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:25 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:25 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:25 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:632] is -2.999073819321843E-13
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:25 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:25 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:25 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:25 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:633] is 1.3978256446060496E-13
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:25 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:25 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:25 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:25 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:634] is -0.11453810838709651
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:25 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:25 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:25 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:25 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:635] is -2.5358828575876752E-14
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:25 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:25 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:25 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:26 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:636] is -2.200841253095799E-14
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:26 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:26 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:26 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:26 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:637] is 0.037885165949240227
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:26 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:26 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:26 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:26 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:638] is 0.153291308489458
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:26 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:26 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:26 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:26 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:639] is -2.1184433221793936E-13
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:26 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:26 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:26 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:26 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:64] is -0.08952121389484059
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:26 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:26 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:26 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:26 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:640] is -2.5339164315184076E-13
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:26 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:26 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:26 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:26 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:641] is 5.737652101013402E-14
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:26 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:26 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:26 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:26 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:642] is 4.365903476576E-13
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:26 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:26 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:26 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:26 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:643] is -0.07861186769843094
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:26 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:26 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:26 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:26 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:644] is 3.480934286104058E-14
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:26 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:26 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:26 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:26 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:645] is -0.04625002988523811
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:26 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:26 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:26 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:26 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:646] is -5.22019115958233E-14
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:26 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:26 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:26 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:26 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:647] is 3.0238898264790126E-14
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:26 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:26 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:26 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:27 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:648] is 0.005526393033783967
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:27 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:27 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:27 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:27 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:649] is -0.21737182238050448
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:27 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:27 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:27 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:27 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:65] is 0.0
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:27 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:27 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:27 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:27 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:650] is 0.09687366595699362
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:27 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:27 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:27 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:27 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:651] is -0.10231818863375333
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:27 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:27 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:27 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:27 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:652] is 0.0
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:27 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:27 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:27 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:27 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:653] is -0.09956221733664905
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:27 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:27 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:27 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:27 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:654] is -1.3487544180274166E-13
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:27 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:27 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:27 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:27 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:655] is -0.09761971820022236
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:27 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:27 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:27 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:27 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:656] is -1.5287909973016664E-14
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:27 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:27 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:27 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:27 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:657] is 0.0
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:27 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:27 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:27 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:27 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:658] is -0.23554309306480378
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:27 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:27 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:27 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:27 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:659] is -0.09313537802724652
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:27 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:27 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:27 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:28 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:66] is -0.07879791614644435
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:28 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:28 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:28 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:28 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:660] is 3.789122489067659E-13
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:28 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:28 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:28 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:28 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:661] is -2.744940105455633E-13
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:28 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:28 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:28 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:28 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:662] is -3.2327503665302323E-14
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:28 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:28 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:28 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:28 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:663] is -0.13920186844771007
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:28 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:28 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:28 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:28 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:664] is -0.09484985026776879
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:28 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:28 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:28 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:28 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:665] is -0.050688706667439805
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:28 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:28 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:28 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:28 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:666] is -0.08301415071178518
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:28 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:28 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:28 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:28 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:667] is 6.689835116057416E-14
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:28 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:28 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:28 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:28 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:668] is 6.916187524140691E-14
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:28 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:28 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:28 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:28 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:669] is -0.12053957026978125
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:28 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:28 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:28 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:28 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:67] is -4.674840593722962E-14
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:28 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:28 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:28 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:28 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:670] is 7.17190459216078E-14
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:28 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:28 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:28 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:29 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:671] is -2.86317347033437E-13
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:29 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:29 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:29 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:29 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:672] is -0.1184428300691871
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:29 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:29 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:29 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:29 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:673] is -2.6231939822288896E-14
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:29 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:29 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:29 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:29 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:674] is -0.19397552455725192
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:29 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:29 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:29 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:29 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:675] is -3.9912391283529044E-14
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:29 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:29 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:29 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:29 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:676] is -2.6522075035925627E-14
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:29 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:29 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:29 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:29 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:677] is 0.06464664710476983
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:29 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:29 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:29 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:29 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:678] is -0.26103478034771477
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:29 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:29 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:29 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:29 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:679] is 9.893042549854353E-14
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:29 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:29 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:29 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:29 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:68] is -0.09516886152208212
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:29 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:29 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:29 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:29 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:680] is 6.226884551152293E-14
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:29 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:29 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:29 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:29 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:681] is -1.2503621914633543E-14
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:29 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:29 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:29 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:29 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:682] is -0.08806452650093971
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:29 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:29 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:29 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:30 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.correlation.PearsonCorrelation userCorrelation
FINER: UserCorrelation between User[id:421] and User[id:683] is -0.08574285497560413
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:30 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Retrieving number of items in model...
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:30 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource$DataSourceConnectionFactory makeObject
FINE: Obtaining pooled connection
Mar 25, 2008 11:35:30 AM com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel getNumThings
FINE: Executing SQL query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_id) FROM taste_preferences
cache correlation
calculate neighborhood and the correspondings corelations (only once per run)
hood = (user_item1 or user_item2 ...) and (test_item1 or test_item2 ...)
This is the top choices (ordered from top down) for the midrange camera (under $300) that I bought for my father in law.
Important features:
Usable power on - so far the best one is the sliding window
Good technical specs
Reasonable cost - one of the cost factors is the cost of the memory; in this repsects SD is by far the best. So in the begining I was searching only for cameras with SD cards; although that conflicted with my sliding window requirement, so I have added sony's memory stick.
I have found this very interesting aspect of recommender systems at
Discover things you didn't know you where looking for.
Why Discovery:
Aggregate Knowledge pioneered the Discovery category in 2005. Our founders recognized there was a huge missing link in the way people searched and found information on the web. As founders of one of the first social networking sites,, they learned the reality of how people really found and shared information online. They took this knowledge and built something never seen before; a network that helps people find the things they love without having to search.
We understand that consumers have the answers to what is truly interesting and relevant on the web. We know the importance of observing user behavior anonymously and in aggregate. By looking at the sum of the parts, we can see connections between billions of pieces of content, products, photos, blogs, videos, advertising and user generated content on the web. These connections are where the magic of discovery lies.
We have learned that once you engage a consumer, they will keep clicking for more great content and they will keep buying more great products. We have learned how to attract consumer interest by helping them understand what millions of others have done on the Internet.
Discovery is everywhere. It is on websites. In emails. In advertising and affiliate promotions. Discovery is on the store floor. In cell phones. It's in the air around us. We are delivering discovery everywhere with the Pique Discovery™ Network.
In this series, academic and industry leaders explore the growing influence of discovery on consumer behavior and business’ bottom line.
Software veteran, John Furrier, interviews recognized experts within the fields of economics, psychology and computer science to explore the importance online discovery and its implications for online businesses. Panelists share insights from their personal research, identify best practices and suggest ways for businesses to leverage this important new communications and sales channel.
Look for upcoming interviews with collaborative filtering scientist and author John Riedl and personalization expert Yezdi Lashkari.
Title: Discovery Comes of Age
Paul Martino, CEO, Aggregate Knowledge
Discovery has moved from a simple recommendation engine to a whole new way of finding products and information online. In this podcast, Aggregate Knowledge CEO Paul Martino, a pioneer in Discovery, discusses “What is Discovery?” He’ll address the relationship of Discovery to search, personalization, behavioral targeting, and recommendation engines.
Paul Martino is the CEO and cofounder of Aggregate Knowledge, which is the fourth company that he has founded over his 20 year technology career. Martino was previously the CTO and founder of Tribe Network, which was acquired by Cisco. In addition to being a serial entrepreneur, he has held senior business development positions at Intertrust and SkyPilot. The highly scalable architecture of Pique is based on the research work Martino did on massively parallel graph algorithms while a Ph.D. candidate at Princeton University. Paul also holds a B.S. in Computer Science from Lehigh University and an M.S. in Computer Science from Princeton.
Discover More.
Title: The Paradox of Choice
Barry Schwartz, Ph.D.
Barry Schwartz, award-winning author of The Paradox of Choice: How More is Less, explains how the increasing demand for options actually decreases consumer confidence and satisfaction: people can be overwhelmed with too many choices. In this podcast, Schwartz discusses his research and how it can apply in the online world. He gives practical advice for retailers on how they can delight their customers and be successful in the online world.
Barry Schwartz is the Dorwin Cartwright Professor of Social Theory and Social Action at Swarthmore College. He is the author of several books, including
The Battle for Human Nature: The Science, Morality and Modern Life
The Costs of Living: How Market Freedom Erodes the Best Things in Life
. His articles have appeared in many of the leading journals in his field including the American Psychologist.
Title: Recommendations 2.0
John Riedl, Ph.D.
John Riedl, author of Word of Mouse: The Marketing Power of Collaborative Filtering, discusses the evolution of recommendation systems and lessons learned from his experience at Net Perceptions. He outlines how the technology has evolved from difficult and expensive system to deploy, to simple and effective. Now, virtually any online businesses can have an efficient, low-risk way to integrate discovery into their marketing and merchandising decision-making. Riedl explains why just employing a keyword search on a site isn’t enough in the Web 2.0 world.
John Riedl was co-founder and Chief Scientist for Net Perceptions, an early leader in online personalization technology. Riedl is currently a professor in the computer science department at the University of Minnesota where his research includes the GroupLens Project one of the most famous collaborative filtering and recommendation research groups in the world. In 1999, Riedl and other Net Perceptions co-founders shared the MIT Sloan School’s award for E-Commerce Technology.
Title: From Search to Discovery
Yezdi Lashkari
Yezdi Lashkari outlines the origins and limitations of collaborative filtering, the importance of Web 2.0, and how the commoditization of certain specific web technologies will benefit both consumers and businesses alike. He addresses the importance of blending algorithms to effectively harness collective user behavior, and the wisdom of crowds.
Yezdi Lashkari was a co-founder of Firefly Networks (acquired by Microsoft), a pioneering company in the area of collaborative filtering and personalization. Lashkari recently left Microsoft, where he played a number of senior product leadership roles, the last being a special assignment sponsored directly by CEO Steven Ballmer, focused on researching large scale network-centric computing infrastructures for thousands of hosts. This work is now driving one of the technical pillars of the post-Vista Windows release. Lashkari holds numerous patents in collaborative filtering, data protection and user profiling technologies. He received his M.S. from the MIT Media Laboratory and has three computer science degrees covering research areas ranging from artificial intelligence, databases, to collaborative filtering and personalization.
Note: The db usage in my case may not be typical.
did not work well for me:
administration tools are not user friendly
could not quite figure out how to load data from a file
Nice adminstration tools
Deployment is very simple and well explained in documentation
Speed: in my case slower than MySQL
* Preferered choice in my case
Very nice db, but deployment is rather heavy
I was considering HSQLDB as my primary choice of in memory database. After reading its history on :
HSQLDB is a relational database management system written in Java. It is based on Thomas Mueller's discontinued Hypersonic SQL Project.[1] He later developed H2 as a complete rewrite.
I decided to give H2 a try. Bellow is the benchmark from the H2's website, which looks quite nice. Hopefully my application will achieve similar results.
My application. I am currently running my algorithm on the top of Taste recommender engine using MySQL. A complete set of experiments for my algorithm and existing to produce results takes 3 days on a Core2 Duo machine. I need to try more than 20 different settings = 60 days. So I decided to try to speed it up. In addition I don't have permission to install db on the supercomputing cluster at my university so in memory db hopefully will solve both of my problems.
Since memory's I/O is much faster than disk I/O this should translate into significant speed up (assuming your db can fit in memory)
Could be run in embeded mode -- all you need is java and you can run it locally inside of your application (no additional sotware needs to be installed on the server etc.).
Note: I am using this setup for explorative learning algorithm; it is not a typical usage of the recommender system.
Single pass: 138 - 3,819 ms (depending on configuration)
# Create Table
CREATE TABLE taste_preferences (
user_id VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
item_id VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
preference FLOAT NOT NULL,
time_stamp VARCHAR(10),
PRIMARY KEY (user_id, item_id)
# Create Indexes
# Load data from file
see for more details
Some parts of code are not well documented; the javadoc seems to be out of sync. Had to browse for this one for a while, untill found it.
// Create DB Connection
// H2
String driverName = "org.h2.Driver";
String url = "jdbc:h2:~/test";
String user = "sa";
String pwd = "";
org.h2.jdbcx.JdbcDataSource db = new org.h2.jdbcx.JdbcDataSource();
java.util.NoSuchElementException: Can't retrieve more due to exception: org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: The result set is not scrollable and can not be reset. You may need to use conn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY). [90128-66]
Changed com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel
* NEIL -- Modified ResultSetUserIterator to fix the following Exception:
* TODO: Do it in a better way
org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Syntax error in SQL statement INSERT INTO TASTE_PREFERENCES SET[*] USER_ID=?, ITEM_ID=?, PREFERENCE=? ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE PREFERENCE=? ; expected ., (, DEFAULT, VALUES, (, SELECT, FROM; SQL statement:
INSERT INTO taste_preferences SET user_id=?, item_id=?, preference=? ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE preference=? [42001-66]
at org.h2.message.Message.getSQLException(
at org.h2.message.Message.getSQLException(
at org.h2.message.Message.getSyntaxError(
at org.h2.command.Parser.getSyntaxError(
at org.h2.command.Parser.parseSelectSimple(
at org.h2.command.Parser.parseSelectSub(
at org.h2.command.Parser.parseSelectUnion(
at org.h2.command.Parser.parseSelect(
at org.h2.command.Parser.parseInsert(
at org.h2.command.Parser.parsePrepared(
at org.h2.command.Parser.parse(
at org.h2.command.Parser.parse(
at org.h2.command.Parser.prepareCommand(
at org.h2.engine.Session.prepareLocal(
at org.h2.engine.Session.prepareCommand(
at org.h2.jdbc.JdbcConnection.prepareCommand(
at org.h2.jdbc.JdbcPreparedStatement.<init>(
at org.h2.jdbc.JdbcConnection.prepareStatement(
at org.apache.commons.dbcp.PoolingDataSource$PoolGuardConnectionWrapper.prepareStatement(
at com.planetj.taste.impl.model.jdbc.AbstractJDBCDataModel.setPreference(
at com.planetj.taste.impl.recommender.AbstractRecommender.setPreference(
Was giving the above exception. Replaced it with:
INSERT INTO TASTE_PREFERENCES (user_id, item_id, preference) VALUES ('22', '378', '5.0') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE PREFERENCE='4.0'
Then ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE PREFERENCE='4.0' part was not a standard SQL syntax (perhaps specific to MySQL).
A better way would be to use an ANSI/ISO standard command MERGE ( instead of other db specific variants ) e.g.:
MERGE INTO TASTE_PREFERENCES(user_id, item_id, preference) key(user_id,item_id) VALUES ('22', '378', '4.0')
I finaly got H2 to run (most of the changes where migrating incompatible SQL from MySQL to standard SQL)
The performance of it was rather slow:
INFO: It took ms: 2,119,766
Used memory-only mode
INFO: It took ms: 140,568
Thats a 10 fold improvement
Let JVM use more memory; let db use more memory
Did not help
Installed TPTP for eclipse but does not work; could not figure out why
Using NetBeans to do profiling; is throwing some of the old error for some reason.
Fix: The problem with error was that class in jar was not correctly overwritten by NetBeans
For some reason when running from NetBeans userNeighbourhood.size = 0; but when running from command line the same files it is not
Fix: The problem with error was that class in jar was not correctly overwritten by NetBeans
Surprisingly the peformance of MySQL MyISAM and MEMORY engine are almost identical.
Performance of H2 is 10x slower than MySQL. The difference of code between two implementations is that for
INFO: It took ms: 20,574
Mar 24, 2008 11:05:09 AM <init>
INFO: log running..
Mar 24, 2008 11:05:11 AM getTestUsers
INFO: Selected userID: 421
Mar 24, 2008 11:05:11 AM evaluate
INFO: AL Type: random
Mar 24, 2008 11:05:13 AM evaluate
INFO: User's Stats:
Mar 24, 2008 11:05:13 AM evaluate
INFO: It took ms: 1577
Mar 24, 2008 11:05:34 AM evaluate
INFO: User's Stats:
[{MAE=5.0}, {MAE=0.8614681}]
Mar 24, 2008 11:05:34 AM evaluate
INFO: It took ms: 20574
CREATE TABLE `taste`.`taste_preferences` (
`user_id` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
`item_id` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
`preference` float NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`user_id`,`item_id`),
KEY `user_id` (`user_id`),
KEY `item_id` (`item_id`)
INFO: It took ms: 19,781
Mar 24, 2008 2:55:58 PM <init>
INFO: log running..
Mar 24, 2008 2:56:00 PM getTestUsers
INFO: Selected userID: 421
Mar 24, 2008 2:56:00 PM evaluate
INFO: AL Type: random
Mar 24, 2008 2:56:02 PM evaluate
INFO: User's Stats:
Mar 24, 2008 2:56:02 PM evaluate
INFO: It took ms: 1522
Mar 24, 2008 2:56:22 PM evaluate
INFO: User's Stats:
[{MAE=5.0}, {MAE=0.760892}]
Mar 24, 2008 2:56:22 PM evaluate
INFO: It took ms: 19781
Mar 24, 2008 2:56:38 PM evaluate
INFO: User's Stats:
[{MAE=5.0}, {MAE=0.760892}, {MAE=0.86437464}]
Mar 24, 2008 2:56:38 PM evaluate
INFO: It took ms: 16243
CREATE TABLE `taste`.`taste_preferences` (
`user_id` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
`item_id` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
`preference` float NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`user_id`,`item_id`),
KEY `user_id` (`user_id`),
KEY `item_id` (`item_id`)
INFO: It took ms: 214,899
Mar 24, 2008 3:01:21 PM <init>
INFO: loaded data
Mar 24, 2008 3:01:23 PM getTestUsers
INFO: Selected userID: 421
Mar 24, 2008 3:01:23 PM evaluate
INFO: AL Type: random
Mar 24, 2008 3:01:24 PM evaluate
INFO: User's Stats:
Mar 24, 2008 3:01:24 PM evaluate
INFO: It took ms: 1865
Mar 24, 2008 3:04:59 PM evaluate
INFO: User's Stats:
[{MAE=5.0}, {MAE=0.7894972}]
Mar 24, 2008 3:04:59 PM evaluate
INFO: It took ms: 214899
Starting DB: java -cp ./lib/hsqldb.jar org.hsqldb.Server -database.0 file:mydb -dbname.0 xdb
java -cp ./lib/hsqldb.jar org.hsqldb.util.DatabaseManager
keywords: hsqldb load data file csv
Use Text Table ; also see src/org/hsqldb/sample/load_binding_lu.sql
Error: table not found in statement [SET TABLE SOURCE] / Error Code: -22 / State: S0002
Possible Reason: Text Tables cannot be created in memory-only databases (databases that have no script file).
Tried example from src/org/hsqldb/sample/load_binding_lu.sql
CREATE TEXT TABLE binding_tmptxt (
id integer,
name varchar(12)
Error: Database is memory only in statement [CREATE TEXT TABLE binding_tmptxt] / Error Code: -63 / State: S1000
Solution: this statement is not allowed for in memory database; start server db instance
When trying sudo a server [org.hsqldb.util.DatabaseManager] get the following error:
java.sql.SQLException: socket creation error
Solution: none
Performance of H2 is 10x slower than MySQL. The difference of code between two implementations is that for
Changed it but did not make a difference.
Disabled/Enabled Connection pooling but did not produce significant affect either.
Since performance still is not good rewrote code for the methods that take too long; and wrote new classes optimized for my task as seen in the next blog posting ....
Do also java code generation; this way can benchmark it against MySQL and see where the problem is.
Turn on logging finest
See performance for my AL method and optimize for it - since it is the slowest one anyway.
If performance still is not good may need to rewrite code for the methods that take too long; or write new classes optimized for my task
For example: may compute user neighborhood only for the specific items; since I need to get estimates for only a few items, etc.
HSQLDB memory mode
MySQL's MEMORY (HEAP) Storage Engine